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Wiebe Trapline Adventures TV Shows (WTA)

Wiebe Trapline Adventures S4/E1_Bart & Rick NM History


Up Next in Wiebe Trapline Adventures Season 4

  • Wiebe Trapline Adventures S4/E2_Beave...

    “Beaverman” Red O’Hearn earns a good portion of his income trapping beaver for landowners. Red, always colorful, shows you his expertise he’s honed over the decades. As the fur piles up, enjoy the banter between Red and Mark Steck including one rather heated debate as to whether sasquatch is real.

  • Wiebe Trapline Adventures S4/E3_Son O...

    Matt O’Hearn, affectionately referred to by locals as “Son of a Beaverman”, takes no backseat to his dad, Red, when it comes to trapping beaver. Matt is a commercial beaver trapper following in his fathers’ footsteps; And he is just as entertaining as his dad. Come along with us!

  • Wiebe Trapline Adventures S4/E4_Son O...

    Matt O’Hearn continues his productive line killing beavers for landowners. He has about two months to make wages for the year. At a young age Matt owns a fully paid off home and has no debt. His income is from trapping and carpentry work he does for others. He is indeed a trapping free spirit.