Wiebe Trapline Adventures TV Shows (WTA)
Wiebe Trapline Adventures S4/E12_Bursons MO Cats, Coyotes & Fox
Join Matt Burson and his son Ethan as they pursue their passion of land trapping a mixed bag of critters in the state of Missouri. These two men are skilled, and they’ll share their techniques with you today as the fur starts to pile up.
Up Next in Wiebe Trapline Adventures Season 4
Wiebe Trapline Adventures S4/E13_Benn...
Tune in for plenty of excitement as Matt and Nancy Bennett run their trapline. Matt is an old pro, while Nancy is new to the craft. Nancy’s anticipation and excitement is palpable as she wears her emotions on her sleeve. This is one episode you don’t want to miss!
Wiebe Trapline Adventures S4/E14_Gage...
Indeed youth trapping is still alive! At least in the case of Gage Imberi. Gage, a high school 10th grader, traps passionately whenever not in school. Once the bell rings, he’s gone pursuing muskrats, mink, coon and all the critters that frequent the prairies around his hometown in South Dakota. ...