Teaser - Wiebe Trapline Adventures - Show 11 - 2020 Bart Hiller & Ed Schneider
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1m 19s
Get beautiful scenery plus a huge catch as Host Mark Steck joins his pals Bart Hiller and Ed Schneider in some high country bobcat and coyote trapping. You'll be amazed at the techniques you'll learn as these 2 pros run hard in the mountains chasing fur.
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Teaser - Wiebe Trapline Adventures - ...
Mark Steck joins Ed Schneider & Richard Johnson as they travel the cold, snowy plains of South Dakota in search of coyotes running fence lines. You'll be amazed as these two compete in a friendly competition as each stop, each fella put in a set... you'll see 2 serious trappers compliment eac...
Teaser - Wiebe Trapline Adventures - ...
Mark Steck joins Ed Schneider & Richard Johnson as they travel the cold, snowy plains of South Dakota in search of coyotes running fence lines. You'll be amazed as these two compete in a friendly competition as each stop, each fella put in a set... you'll see 2 serious trappers compliment eac...
Teaser - Wiebe Trapline Adventures - ...
Host Mark Steck & good friend Red O'Hearn take young fellas Preston & Barrett on a muskrat trapping adventure on the family ranch in south Dakota. There's a lot of learning & a lot of fun as Mark and Red enjoy teaching a younger generation the art of muskrat trapping. But these young ...