Trailer: Canine Trapping In Dirt & Snow with Mark Steck
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3m 29s
Mark Steck caught his first canine in 1973. Since that time, Steck has commercially trapped fox and coyotes in several states, in all kinds of conditions. A trapping free spirit, Mark brings to this video, simplistic methods that bust many trapping myths. He gives an in depth analysis of empty traps, sprung traps, a subject that most pros sweep under the rug. In dirt, rain and snow, Mark adjusts to changing weather conditions as he takes you on a working trapline in farmland country. Learn a multitude of sets using footholds and snares. See a quick and novel dispatch method. A 17 minute section on lure usage in varying conditions. Learn a simple system for keeping sets working in foul weather. Revealed is a theory on why some animals work sets aggressively and some lack interest.
Length: 2 hours 40 minutes
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