Wiebe Trapline Adventures TV Shows (WTA)
4 Seasons
Wiebe Trapline Adventures (WTA TV) is a new TV show on the Pursuit Channel. WTA TV features professional trapper, Mark Steck, and his adventures with "Bob the Dog", across these United States, running his own trap line, and video recording other reputable trapper friends as they run their trap lines. WTA TV is a conservation & renewable resource television show that shows the benefits to the environment, forward thinking of natural occurring resources, as well as the protection of livestock & land from their number one threat, predators.
So come along with Wiebe Trapline Adventure... you'll get professional direction, hear great tips on protecting environmental resources and you will probably have a laugh, as Mark Steck shows you exactly what it's like to join him and "Bob the Dog" on the trek across the country. If you know Mark, you know what I am talking about...
If you DON'T know Mark, you'll sure have a great time getting introduced to him!
Wiebe Trapline Adventures S3/E1 - Red O'Hearn MS
Episode 27
Today host Mark Steck travels down south joining friend and fellow trapper Red O’Hearn. Red has been hired by farmers to get rid of the beavers so they can get rid of the beaver dams. Experience Red & Mark on the trapline as they run Red’s water line. Check out the birthday meal Red cooks up whil...
Wiebe Trapline Adventures S3/E2 - Mike Sells Muskrat
Episode 28
Turns out you can teach an old dog new tricks! In this episode, host Mark Steck travels east to Iowa to meet up with Vietnam Veteran, career Game Warden and expert trapper Mike Sells on his muskrat line. As Mark and Mike talk and check traps, each reveals their process for catching muskrats, and ...
Wiebe Trapline Adventures S3/E3 - Hoosier Boys Ozark Cats
Episode 29
Today Mark Steck meets up with Charlie Masheck and Justin Jett of Hoosier Trapper Supplies and Hoosier Trapper Outdoors on their bobcat and coyote line in the Ozark Mountains. Being in the outdoors breathes a breath of fresh air into you, and this trip is no exception. Catch the boys running the ...
Wiebe Trapline Adventures S3/E4_Matt O'Hearn 1 of 2
Episode 30
Introducing young people into the world of trapping is essential to the craft surviving and our wildlife being properly managed. Thirty-year-old Matt O'Hearn is a trapping free spirit. For three months of the year, he leaves Iowa and does beaver control in the southern US. Landowners pay him well...
Wiebe Trapline Adventures S3/E5_Matt O'Hearn 2 of 2
Episode 31
On this show we continue down the line with Matt O’Hearn, as he continues checking his southern trapline adding multiple species to his abundant harvest. It’s amazing to watch Matt’s passion for the outdoors and true example of a sustainable lifestyle. Meanwhile, his dad Red prepares a delicious ...
Wiebe Trapline Adventures S3/E6 - _Mark & Herm Muskrat
Episode 32
There is nothing more fun than sharing time in the outdoors with a friend. In this episode, host Mark Steck’s childhood friend joins him on his road right-of-way muskrat float line. The stories are flying as the check starts to pile up. We don’t think any long-held secrets are revealed, but some ...
Wiebe Trapline Adventures S3/E7_Dan Roberts Coyote
Episode 33
A couple seasons ago, we had 2 great shows featuring Dan Roberts trapping coyotes and a couple with Dan trapping bobcat. Well, Dan didn’t do too shabby coyote trapping last year, harvesting almost 700 coyotes on his northern and Texas coyote line. Today you get to witness coyote after coyote bein...
Wiebe Trapline Adventures S3/E8_Phil Brown Coyote
Episode 34
Host Mark Steck joins Pennsylvania Trapper Phil Brown on his southwestern coyote line. Phil is known for his huge canine catches over the last 40 years… You’ll see Phil in action, how he sets, how he baits and how the fur starts to pile up. These are the methods of true long-liner and professional.
Wiebe Trapline Adventures S3/E9_Rick Miller Coyote
Episode 35
Rick Miller spends several months a year trapping cats and coyotes in Texas. Two weeks each year his brother Rollin Joins Rick on his trapline. And yes, they are competitive. On this particular day they rack up an enormous catch. The “match” is a close one as the sun gets low. You are going to se...
Wiebe Trapline Adventures S3/E10_Pete Flicker Tail
Episode 36
“Flicker-tails” are a nuisance… From holes in the ground to blown power transformers, they cause hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage nationwide. In this episode, host Mark Steck catches up with Pete Harper and his kids as they rid the local fairgrounds of a few hundred “flicker-tails”. Pet...
21:31Episode 37
Wiebe Trapline Adventures S3/E11_Dr Beth MO
Episode 37
This is a story that needed telling. Join Mark Steck as he meets up with a true outdoors-woman, Dr. Beth. Enjoy a great day on the trapline as she takes us along through most of her trapline check across the Missouri countryside. From airports to livestock pastures and all places in between, Dr. ...
Wiebe Trapline Adventures S3/E12_Bart H & Rick F
Episode 38
Host Mark Steck joins Bart Hiller and Rick Friedrich leave their Missouri homes each year to pursue adventure in the rugged highlands of New Mexico. Bart says they are “living a dream”. They pursue a variety of furbearers. High on their list is the valuable bobcat of these mountains. In this epis...
Wiebe Trapline Adventures S3/E13_Dan Roberts Carrots & Conibears
Episode 39
You’ve seen Dan Roberts run very efficient bobcat and coyote lines across the Midwest… now catch up with host Mark Steck and Dan Roberts as they try something new on South Dakota muskrats with Hangman, carrots and conibears… Great conversation, theories, tricks, and teasing… you get it all when M...