Host Mark Steck joins Pennsylvania Trapper Phil Brown on his southwestern coyote line. Phil is known for his huge canine catches over the last 40 years… You’ll see Phil in action, how he sets, how he baits and how the fur starts to pile up. These are the methods of true long-liner and professional.
Up Next in Wiebe Trapline Adventures Season 3
Wiebe Trapline Adventures S3/E9_Rick ...
Rick Miller spends several months a year trapping cats and coyotes in Texas. Two weeks each year his brother Rollin Joins Rick on his trapline. And yes, they are competitive. On this particular day they rack up an enormous catch. The “match” is a close one as the sun gets low. You are going to se...
Wiebe Trapline Adventures S3/E10_Pete...
“Flicker-tails” are a nuisance… From holes in the ground to blown power transformers, they cause hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage nationwide. In this episode, host Mark Steck catches up with Pete Harper and his kids as they rid the local fairgrounds of a few hundred “flicker-tails”. Pet...
Wiebe Trapline Adventures S3/E11_Dr B...
This is a story that needed telling. Join Mark Steck as he meets up with a true outdoors-woman, Dr. Beth. Enjoy a great day on the trapline as she takes us along through most of her trapline check across the Missouri countryside. From airports to livestock pastures and all places in between, Dr. ...